

The Other Palace

4/5 Basert på 1 kritikk (Kritikk)
  • Bestilling inntil: fredag 8 juli 2016
Par (100%) Teatergjengere (100%) i
Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways
Sideways Beskrivelse

“If anyone orders Merlot, I’m leaving”

Join best friends Miles and Jack on a hilarious journey into the heart of wine country with Sideways: The Play.

Based on his beloved novel, which inspired the Academy Award and Golden Globe winning film, Rex Pickett’s stage adaptation fizzes with comedy and heartfelt emotion, and goes down better than a well-aged Pinot Noir.

The Other Palace Beliggenhet

12 Palace Street, London, SW1E 5JA GB (Mer info)

The Other Palace Veibeskrivelse
man. - 19:30
tir. - 19:30
ons. - 19:30
tor. 14:30 19:30
fre. - 19:30
lør. 14:30 19:30
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